пятница, 19 декабря 2014 г.

Ігрова діяльність на уроках англійської мови


Young Learners:
v     Pictionary
v    Time: 10-15 minutes
v    Preparation: List of vocabulary words
v    Procedure:

Ø     The class is divided into 2-3 teams. 
Ø     One student comes to the blackboard, and the teacher whispers a word in his/her ear or shows them a word. 
Ø     The student then draws a picture of the word on the blackboard, and the team who correctly guesses the word first receives a point.
Ä    Variation: One student from each team comes up to the blackboard, and both students draw simultaneously.

v     Talk With Personality
v    Time: 5 minutes
v    Preparation: List of characters, list of expressions/words to be repeated
v    Procedure:

Ø     Write down the names of five different characters from the book on the board.
Or instead of characters from the book, you can use general people, like
·        a small baby
·        a rude waiter in a restaurant
·        a fashion model
·        a stranger in a crowd
·        a grandfather
Ø     Give students a common expression, such as "Good morning!" or "Sorry!” and ask students how they might say it differently when talking to a different person, and then how they might say it as that person. 
Ä    Variation: Make up phrases and sentences with your vocabulary words, and have students repeat those instead of the common expressions.

Young and Middle Learners:

v    My Other Half
v    Time: 5-10 minutes
v    Preparation: Writing words and definitions on paper
v    Procedure:

Ø     Teacher writes each vocabulary word on a piece of paper, and its definition on a separate piece of paper. 
Ø     The pieces of paper are randomly distributed, one per student. 
Ø     Students half to find their “other half”—the person with the vocabulary word that matches their description or vice versa.
Ø     After all students have found their other half, the teacher can collect, shuffle, and redistribute the papers, repeating the exercise.

Middle and Older Learners:

v    Vocabulary Race
v    Time: 10-15 minutes
v    Preparation: List of vocabulary words
v    Procedure:

Ø     Write a list of vocabulary words on the board. 
Ø     Students individually choose 3 words, and write their own definition of each word.  For example, if a student chose the word “water,” they could write “I make tea from this,” “I go swimming in this,” “It is like juice but has no color,” etc.
Ø     Students are then divided into 2-4 teams. 
Ø     One student goes to the front of the room and reads one of their definitions.  The team to correctly guess which word the student defined gets a point.

v    Timeline
v    Time: 10 minutes
v    Preparation: None
v    Procedure:

Ø     Students make a timeline of what happened in the chapter/story. 
Ä    Variation #1: Have students include events they think might have taken place before the start of the chapter/story, or will happen next in the chapter/story. 
Ä    Variation #2: Make an imaginary timeline of characters’ lives, filing in details you don’t know.

v    Broken Telephone
v    Time: 5-10 minutes
v    Preparation: Sentences using vocabulary words
v    Procedure:

Ø     The teacher whispers a sentence into the ear of one student, who then whispers it into the ear of the next student, and on and on around the room. 
Ø     The last student says the sentence out loud, and then the teacher repeats what he/she said at the beginning, to see if they are the same.
Ä    Variation: The teacher whispers a sentence into the ear of the first student in each row, and the student then whispers it to the student sitting behind them, etc.  The last student in each row must then go up and write what they believe to be the sentence they heard on the board. The students are allowed to ask to have the sentence repeated to them but only by the person seated directly in front of them. One point may be given for the team that writes their sentence on the board the quickest and two points for the sentence closest to the original one.

Older Learners:

v    What Am I?
v    Time: 5-10 minutes
v    Preparation: Pieces of paper with one word each on them
v    Supplies: Tape/pins
v    Procedure:

Ø     On small pieces of paper, write nouns and then put them on each student’s back with tape. 
Ø     The students walk around the class asking yes/no questions until they find out which noun they have on their back. When they know who they are, they should sit down. When everyone is sitting, go around and have them report on who they are.

v    Odd Man Out

v    Time: 10 minutes

v    Preparation: None

v    Procedure:

Ø     Students write “Odd Man Out” word lists, in which one of the words does not belong. 

For example:

Apple, Banana, Cucumber, Orange 

Cucumber does not belong, because it is a vegetable. 

Angry, Happy, Mad, Scared

                                      Happy does not belong because it is a positive emotion. 

                                      Slowly, Carefully, Quickly, to Walk

                                     To Walk does not belong, because it is not an adverb.

Ø     Students then read their words out to the class, and the rest of the class answers.

Ä    Variation: The students trade papers and answer someone else’s list.

v    My Mistake!
v    Time: 5-10 minutes
v    Preparation: None
v    Procedure:

Ø     Have each student come up to the board and write one sentence about what happened in the book WITH AN ERROR. 
Ø     Students sit back down, and then the teacher goes through the sentences and the students shout out the correct answers.   
Ä    Variation: Give students 5 minutes to write the corrected versions of the sentences on a piece of paper and then go over the correct answers as a class, seeing who got the most correct.


v    Gesture Game/Charades (vocabulary can be adjusted for all levels)
v    Time: 5-15 minutes
v    Preparation: List of actions or vocabulary words
v    Procedure:

Ø     Write on a piece of paper actions that can be represented in gestures, such as riding a bicycle, playing basketball, walking a dog, etc.
Ø     Call a student to the front of the room and show him / her one of the gesture cards.
Ø     The student then acts out the word in gestures, and the rest of the class has to guess which gesture the student is performing. 
Ä    Variation: Use vocabulary words instead of just verbs.  This will be slightly more difficult.

v    Blind Man
v    Time: 10 minutes
v    Preparation: None
v    Supplies: Paper, markers (optional)
v    Procedure:

Ø     Have each student secretly draw a picture WITHOUT SHOWING IT TO ANYONE!  The picture can be of a place described in the story, with all students drawing the same place, or students can be allowed to choose any place described in the book. 
Ø     Then in pairs, one student describes their picture to their partner, who has a blank piece of paper in front of them and must try to draw exactly what is on their partner’s paper.  At the end, students compare the two pieces of paper and see how close they came to replicating their partner’s picture. 
Ä    Variation #1: To make it more difficult, do not let the person who is describing look at the paper of the person who is drawing. 
Variation #2: You can also have the teacher describe a picture to the entire class

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