пятница, 19 декабря 2014 г.

Конспект уроку з теми "Професії"

Тема: Професії.

Мета : активізувати вивчений лексичний матеріал, тренувати учнів у використанні граматичних структур групи Indefinite,розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів, повторити та закріпити вивчений матеріал шляхом ігрової діяльності, розвивати навички роботи в групах,розвивати мовленнєву реакцію,пам'ять ,увагу, виховувати в учнів почуття відповідальності та цікавість до вивчення англійської мови.

Обладнання : картки з завданням,плакати, проектор, картки з реченнями.

                                                        Хід уроку.
1.     Початок уроку.
1.     Привітання та повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
Good morning boys and girls. Glad to see you.Sit down please. So, today you will have the unusual lesson because you have another teacher. And I want to tell you the aim of our lesson- we will review Grammar, play games,  speak to each other and you will have fun during the lesson.

2.     Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
What season is it now?
What month is it now?
Do you like today’s weather?
Did you like yesterday’s weather?
What kind of the weather will be tomorrow?
What kind of weather do you like?
-         sunny
-         frosty
-         warm
-         hot
-         cold
-         rainy
 What poems about winter do you know?
December is the best of all,
Snowflakes dance, Snowflakes fall
People see the New Year in-
When December ends it will begin.
( учні читають за вчителем)

3.     Основна частина уроку.

1.     Активізація лексичного матеріалу.

What professions do you know?
Look at the blackboard, here you have the words that you have learn, and young task to fill in the missing letters.


2.     Практикувати вживання вивченої лексики.

Lets play a gameWho am I” ( на картках , кожен читає і запитує)Діти виходять до дошки.
1.     I teach children. “ Who am I?”
2.     I help people and I want them to be healthy. “ Who am I”?
3.     I like to dance and I like to be a … “ Who am I”?
4.     I like sport, I like to run, to jump. “ Who am I”?
5.     I like to sing songs, I want to be a famous … “ Who am I”?
6.     I can type, I like to work on computer. “ Who am I”?
7.     I take interview, I like to communicate with them. “ Who am I”?

Lets play the 2 game.

You have to pick one of the eight jobs, I will describe what the person does.  Find the job on the board and hit with the ball.
1.     A mechanic – works in the garage.
2.     doctor – works in a hospital.
3.      pilot – flies in a plane.
4.     secretary – works in an office.
5.     farmer – works outside, often in the fiekd, keeps animals.
6.     teacher – works with children at school, teach them.
7.     sportsmen – it’s a person who go in for sports.
8.     nurse – works with doctor in the hospital.

3.     Практикування граматичного матеріалу Present, Past, Future Indefinite.

 Tell me please what can we do every day?
Every day I go to school.
Every day I brush my teeth.
Every day I get up at 7 o’clock.
Every day I play computer games.

 Tell me please what did you do yesterday.?
Yesterday I played with my friends.
Yesterday I was at school.
Yesterday I got up at 7 o’clock.
Yesterday I went to school.

  Tell me what will you do tomorrow?
I ‘ll go to school.
I’ll get up at 7 o’clock.
I’ll play football.
I’ll walk around the village.

Look at the table and tell me about all the Tense forms.

Lets play a game . I’ll give you cards . You’ll have 3 teams. Each team have cards with separated words. Your task to combine words in the sentences. You have 3 minutes.

Every day I go to school.
Every day I brush my teeth.
Every day I get up at 7 o’clock.
Every day I play computer games.

Yesterday I played with my friends.
Yesterday I was at school.
Yesterday I got up at 7 o’clock.
Yesterday I went to school.

 I ‘ll go to school.
I’ll get up at 7 o’clock.
I’ll play football.
I’ll walk around the village

Read your sentences.

4.     Складання розповіді з використанням майбутнього теперішнього часу.
 Let’s make a story, your task is to tell me the words in proper part of speech.

1.     noun
2.     noun, noun
3.     number
4.     noun ( 1 ), noun ( place)
5.     verb ( action )
6.     adj.

1.I’ll go to the ……..
2. I’ll buy …….. and its my favorite ……….
3. It costs …. hryven.
4. After the ……… I’ll go ……..
5. Here I like to …..
6. Now I’m ………. And I’ll go home. 

3.Заключна частина уроку.

1.     Домашнє завдання.
На картках,виписати слова в словник,знайти переклад.
Розшифрувати речення.

2.     Підсумки.
Let’s summarize our lesson.
Our lesson is over. Stand up please. Good bye. I wish you good luck.

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